Media Highlights

Lunar New Year

In 2021, I had the wild idea of asking my neighbours to decorate their doors to help my kids celebrate Lunar New Year. What ended up happening exceeded my wildest hopes and truly transformed my faith in what a community can do to show up for each other.

Body Inclusivity

I had a Twitter thread that was unexpectedly resonant about the lack of fat bodies and positive fat representation in children’s books. This is a topic in diversity that I have become increasingly about because I believe that those of us with privilege - and in this area I have a lot of privilege - need to be doing more of the labour to fix the problem.

Kids’ Book Finder

This project was inspired by all the folks who have reached out in the past with questions like, "What's a good book with two moms?" or "Are there any good books with biracial kids?" or "Any recommendations for my neurodivergent tween?" Although kids' books are not nearly as diverse as they should be, there are more and more wonderful books for kids that feature a whole range of diverse lived experiences. But sometimes they're really hard to find. This project aimed to match underrepresented kids and youth with books that reflected their identities.